Monday, August 15, 2016

Hello, I just call myself Lu, or sirarchitect. I don't really have too much of great experience coding, but this blog will be my progress in obtaining "blackbelts" in the languages. What does that mean. Well every fighting style in martial arts has a ranking system. In this ranking system, blackbelt usually means highly skilled, respected, and knowledgeable of the field of study. Well, to have fun, I'm calling my fighting styles programming languages, theories, brances of computer science etc, and I'm obtaining blackbelts in them. Complete self study a little determination and a lot of fun nights, I'll let the audience decide when I have the blackbelt.

My first language to bring destruction is going to be Python. I'm picking this language just because I think its documentation is genius. It's emphasis on clean code flatters, and I just really enjoy programming in it. So getting something like a "blackbelt" on my first language seems like a daunting and hard task. Why not pick something I have fun with.

What I'm making with this language. Well, one spoj puzzles are my crux to all around practice, but I'm also making a game in pygame -- a fun one. Why the puzzles seem more fun is unfathomable, but I think the game will be an impressive project to say hey I have a blackbelt in this language.

Have fun enjoying, ridiculing, or just casual reading my blog.

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